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The BookThinker Newsletter
ISSN 1547-9501

#15, 29 March 2004

BookThinker Update
5 April 2004>>>

And the Birth of Books

Found any ancient papyri at a garage sale lately? Probably not, but it's more affordable than you might think, and you can buy it - where else? - on eBay. In today's BookThinker Update, columnist Alison Lake explores the ancient history of this first "paper," its manufacture, present day use - and yes, gives you an idea how much you're going to have to cough up for your first fragment.



From the Editor


How to Photograph Books
Part III - How to Take Pictures of Books
In previous issues we've discussed what to take pictures of - namely, the importance of identifying flashpoints and capitalizing on them in the picture taking process. We've also talked about book cosmetology, how to make books camera presentable. Today we're going to look at the actual picture taking process and suggest a specific method for taking pictures that will ultimately pop in your presentations.

Previous BookThinker Update -

By Any Other Name
How to Profit from Pseudonyms

Did Shakespeare get it right when he wrote "That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"? Not when it comes to pseudonyms. Find a book by a well-known author written under an obscure pseudonym and things may smell much, much sweeter. More details in today's BookThinker Update.


Previous BookThinker Premium Content -
A Matter of Pride
What's Hot and What's Not in Greek Books

BookThink's Premium Content begins today with an analysis of classic fraternity mentality and the impact this has on related books and memorabilia. Also included - a list of Greek flashpoints. NOTE: Gold Edition replaced regular Premium Content on August 2, 2004. Learn how to subscribe.

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