BookThink provides resources for online and open shop
book dealers, book collectors, and serious readers.
Resources already in place or scheduled to be added in
the coming months include first edition designations and
issue points for 1,000’s of publishers; detailed and
illustrated book terminology; a moderated book forum;
an extensive library of active and pertinent
book-related links; reviews of books about books; and
tutorials on practical book repair, grading, buying
for resale, selling books online and off, building a
personal collection, and more.
The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#18, 10 May 2004
BookThinker Update 17 May 2004>>>

Hydra and the Second Labor of Hercules
The Importance of Timing in Bookselling
Books that were scarce a few years ago are now uncommon; books that were uncommon are now common; and books that were common are now selling on Amazon Marketplace for one red cent. If you think this trend is nearly over or even slowing down, think again. If you think certain classes of books are immune to this downward pressure, think at least twice again. There's trouble ahead for the bookseller who doesn't know what to sell and when to sell it. More details in today's BookThinker Update.
From the Editor
Updates on eBay category rollbacks, an interesting
alternative venue, Premium Content and a new website
AB Bookman Redux A New Kid in Old Clothes
Given up for dead almost four years ago, the resurrection of AB Bookman is nearly complete.
BookThinker interviews AB Bookman editor Rick Russell and partner Pete Thomas in today's BookThinker.
Slumming It In Bookland
Slumlord Profits on Time-Life Books
Time-Life Books, the bookselling equivalent of Reader's Digest Condensed Books? Not quite.
$100's if not $1,000's of dollars in profits await the bookseller who knows which sets to buy
and which to leave alone. We'll show you what's hot, what's warm, and what's not in BookThink's
Premium Content. NOTE: Gold Edition replaced regular Premium Content on August 2, 2004. Learn
how to subscribe.
Previous BookThinker Update -
Previous BookThinker Premium Content -
How to Identify Hot Niche Markets
The Holy Grail of Bookselling?
More than ever, success at bookselling will depend on
your ability to raise your bookselling IQ - to become
book-smart. If you aren't sure how to proceed, I urge
you to read BookThinker's Premium Content in today's
email newsletter. All BookThinker newsletters attempt
to meet the need for pertinent knowledge, but this
issue is particularly important because it details a
simple, proven method for raising your bookselling IQ
to a level that will almost guarantee success. NOTE: Gold Edition replaced regular Premium Content on August 2, 2004. Learn
how to subscribe.