Unlike most professions, bookselling frequently gives us opportunities to look at the past. An interest in history, in fact, often goes hand in hand with an interest in books as books. Apart from their content. Though not always appreciated as such, these backward trips put us in position to see what survives the passage of time by dint of being permanently true. Much of the best of human endeavor is contained in books - rather, expressed in them, and some of this is expressed so clearly, so profoundly, so truly that it stands tall and steady over great washes of time, becoming a fixed, seemingly inborn influence in the lives of succeeding generations. The truly special book, the kind which pulls this kind of thing off, isn't common by any means, but, when found or rediscovered, is a gift like no other. I'm going to look at several of these books today's newsletter in what might seem like an unlikely genre. Predictably, these books also have significant monetary value and may be a source of future profit for you. Today's Premium Content will address this in detail. As a reminder, BookThinker's Premium Content is available only in the email version of the newsletter. If you'd like to start receiving Premium Content, the only way to get it done is to subscribe. This can be accomplished in a moment by entering your email address in a subscription box located on most of BookThink's web pages. Continued thanks go out to all who have contributed via PayPal donations to BookThink's future. May the book gods smile warmly upon you! NOTE: Gold Edition replaced regular Premium Content on August 2, 2004. Learn how to subscribe.
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