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The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#24, 2 August 2004
BookThinker Update 9 August 2004>>>

Betting Yesterday on Tomorrow
Ann Nolan Clark and the Native American Picture Books of Change
One of the riskier things a bookseller or investor can
do is speculate in the book market. Buying at market
prices today and selling for significant profit
tomorrow requires a combination of luck, knowledge,
and something I'd call foreknowledge that few of us
can bring to the table. Still, when certain factors
seem to fit together like a tightly crafted dovetail
joint, it's hard to resist taking, as Bertram Wooster
would put it, the occasional flutter on the ponies.
What I'm doing today is sticking my neck out,
predicting significant profits tomorrow for a little
known market niche that spans only a handful of years
in the mid 20th century.
From the Editor
Beans and Bookcases
An Interview with Henry Petroski
Henry Petroski has authored an impressive collection of bestselling books, some of them about seemingly insignificant stuff: pencils, paper clips, zippers, and yes, books - more to the point, bookshelves. If you think these are topics that can be adequately dispatched with in brief articles, think again. Petroski has a gift for seeing the universal in the particular, not to mention a gift for making it all very engaging, and this most certainly requires the expanse of a book to do. See our interview with him in today's BookThinker.
The Mystery of
The Collectible Nancy Drew
If you spent time wanting a roadster or a friend named Bess, you likely know the personal side of Nancy Drew. Her adventures have brought mystery into the lives of young women since 1930. But if discussion of blue tweed, Farah, and Axe rivets your attention, you're acquainted with the financial side of Nancy. It's the timeless combination of intrigue, triumphant youth, and financial value that makes the series a perennial hit with book buyers and sellers. From both perspectives, Nancy is unique. Since the beginning, she's had it - that indefinable element of mystery when the lady is not quite what she seems - and neither is her author.
Book Topics- All In The Name Authors' Names and Signatures
Summer is booksellers' quiet time - but that's only an illusion. Despite slower sales,
there's plenty you can do now that will pay off later. Take an author's identity and
signature for example. Who is he? Is this really her handwriting? Does it affect value?
There's more to the topic that meets an uninitiated eye. And BookThinker articles
can help you hone the salient skills.
Profiting from the Fabulous 50’s
Part I – 50’s TV
BookThink’s first issue of Gold Edition Premium
Content features an in-depth look at the 50’s –
specifically, 50’s TV and how this idyllic interlude
in history can produce serious profits for savvy
booksellers. If you’re a baby boomer, chances are you
already have a wealth of 50’s knowledge available.
Put it to the best bookselling use possible with
BookThink’s market analysis and 100’s of the best
flashpoints we know. Find out what’s red hot now by
purchasing this issue or, better yet, an annual
subscription. Click here for details.
Previous BookThinker Update -
BookThinker Update 12 July 2004>>>
We've Met the Aliens
And They Are Us!
Aliens have been the fodder of Science Fiction for decades. In today's BookThinker, Timothy Doyle surveys the best of this sub-genre - and yes, there are potential profits for booksellers.
Previous BookThinker Premium Content -
BookThink's Premium Content
Super Niche
Profiting From the Arts & Crafts Movement
Books, periodicals, catalogs, ephemera, etc. No doubt some or all of the following flashpoints
will sound a familiar note: Stickley, bungalow, Roseville, kit houses, Roycroft, Alladin Readi-Cut,
mission furniture, Prairie Style, Tiffany, quarter-sawn oak, Louis Sullivan, etc. Arts & Crafts
generated - one and all. There are 100's more, many of which appear in today's Premium
Content. To subscribe or purchase, click here.