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The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#26, 6 September 2004

Misnamed Books An Interview with Allen and Pat Ahearn
Allen and Pat Ahearn's Collected Books: The Guide to
Values is one of the most useful first edition
identification guides available to booksellers and
collectors. The Ahearns are longtime booksellers
(and collectors) themselves and have devoted decades
to researching the information contained in the guide.
BookThink interviews the Ahearns in today's

BookThink's Gold Edition
Vintage Era Mass Market Paperback Cover Art
How many paperbacks have you passed by at sales
lately? 100’s? 1,000’s? If so, you may be passing
up significant profits. Open up a new world of
potential inventory today with BookThink’s analysis of
MMP cover art. The very best flashpoints are here –
lists of collectible cover art topics, collectible
cover artists and collectible publishers - and a bonus
list of 12 instantly profitable things to look for on
sales trips. Purchase this issue today or subscribe
to BookThink's Gold Edition for monthly insider
information for booksellers. Click here for complete
From the Editor
A Study of Dorothy L. Sayers
Contributing Editor Pamela Palmer makes her second appearance today in
Collecting Mystery & Detective Fiction with a look at renowned mystery writer Dorothy Sayers.
First Editions
A Primer
BookTopics makes a second appearance as well. This time it's first edition
identification, and we've gathered together the many BookThinker articles that
pertain to this topic and planted them in one place.
Previous BookThinker Update -
BookThink 1st Anniversary Update 1 September 2004>>>
BookThinker Update 30 August 2004>>>
BookThinker Update 23 August 2004>>>
Collecting the Collector
The SF Short Story Anthologies of Groff Conklin
It might not occur to us that "anthology" would be a BookThink flashpoint.
After all, anthologies are simply reprinted stories, articles or essays, and what's the
likelihood of a collector placing value on reprints? In today's BookThinker Update,
Tim Doyle shows how special circumstances surrounding the emergence of the Science Fiction genre
in the first half of the 20th century have conspired, oddly enough, to make some SF anthologies decidedly collectible. Groff Conklin, a particularly notable SF anthologist, is profiled in Collecting Science Fiction.
A Bibliographer's Job Is Never Done
BookThink's Tim Doyle and SF author Bud Webster did some interesting sleuthing this week. Find out what the mystery was and how it was solved in today's BookThinker Update.
Previous BookThinker Premium Content -
BookThink's Premium Content
Super Niche
Profiting From the Arts & Crafts Movement
Books, periodicals, catalogs, ephemera, etc. No doubt some or all of the following flashpoints
will sound a familiar note: Stickley, bungalow, Roseville, kit houses, Roycroft, Alladin Readi-Cut,
mission furniture, Prairie Style, Tiffany, quarter-sawn oak, Louis Sullivan, etc. Arts & Crafts
generated - one and all. There are 100's more, many of which appear in today's Premium
Content. To subscribe or purchase, click here.