BookThink is an industry-leading resource provider for
online and open shop book dealers, book collectors,
and serious readers. Resources already in place or
scheduled to be added in the coming months include the
BookThinker, a free twice monthly newsletter covering a wide
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The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#29, 18 October 2004
BookThink Update 25 October 2004>>>

A Day at the National Book Festival
Saturday in the Park
Collecting Science Fiction
BookThink’s Timothy Doyle attended the 4th annual
National Book Festival this month and came away with
18 books signed by 7 authors – not bad for a day in
the park. More details are here. Also, taking up
where he left off in last month’s column, Tim presents
a complete chart of 7 different Science Fiction,
Fantasy and Horror awards and explains how it can be
used for extracting valuable flashpoints.
Building a Bookselling Reference Library
Part IV: Online Resources - Questia
BookThink's multi-part series, "How to Build a Bookselling Reference Library," continues today with a look at Questia - a massive online library of books, journals, magazines and newspapers that's instantly searchable and accessible 24/7. Is this your ticket to taking bookselling to the next level? Find out here.
A Collector's View of Dashiell Hammett
Pamela Palmer stops by today with a collector's view of the distinctly unlikable but undeniably gifted mystery writer, Dashiell Hammett. Find one of his first editions in an original dust jacket, and wintering in Florida - nope, to be safe, let's make that in the more environmentally friendly Bora Bora! - can happen with change back.
BookThink's Gold Edition
Golden Guides
Big Profits in Little Packages
If you’ve been passing up Golden Guides at sales, you
might be interested to know that they’ve become very
collectible in recent years. For a detailed analysis
of this often ignored niche, a complete list of
titles, and – most important of all – a list of the
specific titles that will bring you the biggest
profits, purchase this issue today or subscribe to
BookThink's Gold Edition for monthly insider
information for booksellers. Click here for complete
BookThink Update 4 October 2004>>>
Building a Bookselling Reference Library
Part III: Price Guides and How to Use Them
Today, in our continuing series on Building a Bookselling Reference Library, I'm going to look at price guides. This will be a different approach than you've perhaps seen before because I don't use my guides for pricing. I use them for mining flashpoints. There's a step-by-step method to it, and I'll explain it in today's Update.
Previous BookThinker Premium Content -
BookThink's Gold Edition
Vintage Era Mass Market Paperback Cover Art
How many paperbacks have you passed by at sales
lately? 100’s? 1,000’s? If so, you may be passing
up significant profits. Open up a new world of
potential inventory today with BookThink’s analysis of
MMP cover art. The very best flashpoints are here –
lists of collectible cover art topics, collectible
cover artists and collectible publishers - and a bonus
list of 12 instantly profitable things to look for on
sales trips. Purchase this issue today or subscribe
to BookThink's Gold Edition for monthly insider
information for booksellers. Click here for complete