As the end of 2004 draws near, have you stopped to reflect on what kind of year it's been? For some of us, it's been a very good one indeed. We're doing something we love doing and making money doing it. Who could ask for more? For the rest of us, it's been so-so. Or bad. If forum chatter is an accurate barometer of the book biz, I'd say "bad" is the most likely answer. If so, does it have to be this way? Well, if I thought so, one thing is certain: there'd be no BookThink. But the fact that we're here means that we believe - no, that we know that bookselling can work for you. It may not be working now, but it's fixable. Always. 2005 can be a good year for you. In any case, if things aren't going well for you yet, you've come to the right place. Our four-part series, "Why Bookselling Isn't Working for You," concludes today with a tale retold for the struggling bookseller - "The Tortoise and the Hare." If you're joining us late, here are the articles you missed:
Part I: Are You Hungry? A reminder: the inaugural issue of BookThink's 50/50 will be delivered to subscribers in less than one month. Annual subscriptions (6 issues) are still available at the discounted rate of $15 until December 31. $20 thereafter. More details here. Also, January's Gold Edition will take up where December's left off - with a second, more specific look at the surprisingly lucrative magazine market. We discussed the basic principles last month. Next month will be the payoff - 100's of valuable flashpoints. Subscribe here. IMPORTANT: since both the December and January issues are closely linked, all new subscribers (those who subscriptions post-date December 6 and pre-date January 3) will receive the December issue with our compliments. Finally, for those of you who are missing back issues of the Gold Edition, we're now offering a quantity discount. Buy four or more issues, and you'll receive a $5 instant rebate.
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