BookThink is an industry-leading resource provider for
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The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#34, 3 January 2005
BookThink Update 10 January 2005>>>

Update Announcements
BookThink's Author Profiles Chasing the Bookman Angle
An Interview with John Dunning
There's mystery in books and, occasionally, books
in mysteries. And bestselling mystery writer John
Dunning lives both every day. His popular Cliff
Janeway series continues in March with the release of
a fourth installment - The Sign of the Book - and once
again it's bookselling that drives the tale. Pamela
Palmer's interview of Dunning is a fascinating look at
how this bookman's mind works.
BookThink Book Review The Sign of the Book by John Dunning
Fans of the Cliff Janeway, Bookman series of
mysteries will be delighted to hear that a fourth
installment, The Sign of the Book, will appear in
bookstores this March. Click here for a review and
brief market analysis of Dunning titles.
BookTopics Why Bookselling Isn't Working for You
As the bookselling market changes, BookThink editor Craig Stark looks at how to adapt and take control of your business. In a series of articles, he covers takes a practical look at what sellers can do now.
Feeling intimidated by all the change? This series gives you a method to get back on track.
BookThink's Gold Edition
Common Magazines, Uncommon Profits
Part II: Flashpoints
Flashpoints, flashpoints, flashpoints. Part II of
BookThink’s series on profiting from common magazines
is packed with them. These are the specifics you’ll
need to cash in on this often neglected but
consistently rewarding market. Lists of collectible
topics, authors, illustrators, photographers,
celebrities, sports figures, historical events,
advertisers and more appear in this issue.
Purchase this issue
today or subscribe to BookThink's Gold Edition for
monthly insider information for booksellers. Click
here for details.
BookThink Update 27 December 2004>>>
Update Announcements
BookThink Book Review Bio Rescue
Tim Doyle reviews Bio Rescue, by S.L. Viehl (pseudonym for Sheila Kelly.
BookThink's Gold Edition
Common Magazines, Uncommon Profits
Part I: The Basics
Big profits in common magazines? Well, if there are
any secrets to making a good living in the book biz,
selling magazines – yes, common ones included – may be
one of the best kept. And yet, given the huge numbers
that many magazines were printed in, not to mention
the frequency with which even vintage or antique
examples surface at estate sales, auctions and other
venues, it seems, at first glance, unlikely that many
of them would be worth bothering with. Au contraire,
ALMOST ALL OF THEM are worth bothering with – in fact,
they can be as profitable as high end books. How can
this be? Get the answer is in this month’s Gold
Purchase this issue
today or subscribe to BookThink's Gold Edition for
monthly insider information for booksellers. Click
here for details.