BookThink is an industry-leading resource provider for
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The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#38, 7 March 2005
BookThink Update 14 March 2005>>>

Update Announcements

How To Read Classified Ads BookThink's Dictionary of Classified Ad Code Words and Phrases for Booksellers
A preliminary version of "BookThink's Dictionary of Classified Ad Code Words and Phrases for Booksellers" appears in today's Update. The purpose of this is to improve my chances and yours of identifying the "right" sales to go to, those that will deliver the best books. Obviously, attempting to decipher classified ads is only one step removed from reading tea leaves, but based on my experiences, I believe that some headway can be made in this area. Your able assistance in supplementing this first effort is very welcome.
More details here.

50/50 Issue #2
Now Available
Issue #2 of 50/50, BookThink’s new market report, is now available for purchase. Published every other month, 50/50 lists and annotates in detail 50 books that typically sell for $50 and up online and - here's the best part - includes only those books that surface with some regularity at sales and other viable venues for purchasing inventory. In other words, this is information you can actually use and profit from often. Subscriptions are also available at the annual rate of $20. Payments may be made instantly or by
mail. For details, click here.
28 Buyers Waiting
Party in Her Mouth
Brewskies in the Fridge
If you like a good mystery, one that involves a shapely brunette, suspicious behavior at Amazon Marketplace, and of course a book, you won't want to miss today's feature article, "28 Buyers Waiting: Party in Her Mouth, Brewskies in the Fridge."
BookThink News Alert
ScoutPal Launches Interactive Voice Response
Starting Monday, March 7, ScoutPal will offer IVR (Interactive Voice Response) to its subscribers. This premium service will allow users to speak (or enter) ISBN's or LCCN's and receive voice responses. There are several advantages. First - and most importantly - speed. Speaking numbers will typically be much quicker for users than entering them by hand. Second, in locations where a data signal isn't available, a voice signal may be. Third, virtually any cell phone will work with system, web-enabled or not.
For pricing and additional information, check the
ScoutPal site.
BookThink's Bookseller Profiles
Profile of Shane Straight
As threatened in the forum last month, BookThink launches BookThink's Bookseller Profiles today. This one is especially interesting because it showcases somebody who, in the span one short year, has already built his business into a full-time operation with a full-time employee - and this at the age of 25.
Click here to find out the secret of his success.
Gold Edition #13
How to Buy Inventory Online
Part I: Introduction, Overview, and eBay Seller Lists Having trouble finding good inventory on scouting
trips? Maybe it's time you started shopping at the
world's largest bookstore. Selection is unlimited,
you can do it in the comfort of your home, and if you
know where to look and how to shop, prices are right.
Learn the secrets of buying online with BookThink's
new Gold Edition series - "How to Buy Inventory
Online." Part I, "Introduction, Overview and eBay
Seller Lists" is available for
purchase now.
Previous BookThinker Update -
BookThink Update 28 February 2005>>>
Update Announcements
Bible Mania
Issue #12 of the Gold Edition was delivered Monday evening, February 7.
This time the topic is Bibles - how you can profit from this all-time bestseller.
If you've never sold a Bible, you might be surprised at what they can do for your bottom
line, not to mention how very, very often the higher-dollar examples surface at sales.
Click here to purchase this issue
or subscribe to BookThink's Gold Edition for
monthly insider information for booksellers.