BookThink is an industry-leading resource provider for
online and open shop book dealers, book collectors,
and serious readers. Resources include the
BookThinker, a free twice monthly newsletter covering a wide
range of book-related topics; BookThink's Gold Edition, a monthly paid-subscription newsletter
supplying profit-generating insider information to
booksellers; BookThink's 50/50, a bimonthly market
report targeting high-profit, in-demand books that are
likely to surface on scouting trips; a moderated book
forum; an extensive library of active and pertinent
book-related links; book reviews; interviews with
authors and other notables; and intensive tutorials on
practical book repair, grading, terminology, buying
for resale, selling books online and off, building a
personal book collection, and more
The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#40, 4 April 2005
BookThink Update 11 April 2005>>>

Update Announcements

Coming Attractions at BookThink
I'm cheating this week. Sort of. In the past 37 days, we've put out 9 newsletters at BookThink - 6 BookThinkers, 2 Gold Editions and a 50/50. Also, I recently burned the better part of two days grappling with my personal income taxes and another day with BookThink's. Non-stop fun. Add in full-time bookselling, and this has been an intensely busy period. So, I'm going to catch my breath this week. Instead of doing my typical newsletter, I'm going to preview upcoming BookThinker articles. This may inspire some thinking on topics you'd like to see addressed as well, and I would very much welcome your suggestions.
Tired of Typing Book Descriptions?
How Fast Can You Talk?
As promised in last week's newsletter, I'm going to share something with you that has transformed my bookselling life. If you hate typing (and love talking), voice recognition software could save you countless hours of drudgery and free up time to sell even more books. Version 8 of ScanSoft's Dragon NaturallySpeaking has arrived - and it's accurate, fast and cheap.
Click here for more information.
BookThink's Bookseller Profiles
Profile of Catherine Petruccione
Today's Bookseller Profile features New York bookseller Catherine Petruccione.
Catherine is entering her 5th year in bookselling, has achieved success despite holding down a full-time job - and if you haven't been in a gorgeous bookshop lately, you just have to take a tour of this one. Wow.
50/50 Issue #2
Now Available
Issue #2 of 50/50, BookThink’s new market report, is now available for purchase. Published every other month, 50/50 lists and annotates in detail 50 books that typically sell for $50 and up online and - here's the best part - includes only those books that surface with some regularity at sales and other viable venues for purchasing inventory. In other words, this is information you can actually use and profit from often. Subscriptions are also available at the annual rate of $20. Payments may be made instantly or by
mail. For details, click here.
Previous BookThinker Update -
BookThink Update 28 March 2005>>>
Update Announcements
Collecting Science Fiction
Andre Norton An Appreciation
Tim Doyle is here today, taking time out from his usual fare for a personal retrospective on one
of the true giants of the SF/Fantasy genre - Andre Norton - who passed away last week, a day
after turning 93. Click here for the
full article.