BookThink is an industry-leading resource provider for
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The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#50, 22 August 2005
BookThink Update 29 August 2005>>>

Update Announcements

BookTopics Buying and Selling on eBay
It's the rare seller who hasn't
tackled eBay at one time or another. Getting all the pieces of a successful auction working
at the same time takes coordinated effort. Over the past two years, BookThink has set out
to help, scoping out the process of selling and buying-for-selling from different angles,
all converging on one point - how to make the most of eBay.

ScoutPal Announcement The ScoutPal Network
Never satisfied with leaving things as is, ScoutPal's Dave Anderson has had another brainstorm - a ScoutPal network. This freshly launched service could spell a big change in your bookselling life. Details are here.
EBay Stores Revisited
Part I: Whoa, Is This Thing Actually Working?
I'm starting what will likely be an irregular series of reports today. Don't look for the next one tomorrow, but there may be multiple installments when all is said and done. The topic is eBay stores. If stores were wrong for you several years ago - and they certainly were for me - you might want to reconsider this venue now. Here's why.
Previous BookThinker Update -
BookThink Update 15 August 2005>>>
Update Announcements
Top 10 on eBay Warm Up to a New Series
Which fiction and non-fiction books are winners on eBay? This series answers that question and,
along the way, looks at the listing strategies sellers use to bring in big bucks. Each month,
we"ll list the highest final value fiction and non-fiction titles and examine the auctions that
showcase them - plus more.
Gold Edition #18
Big Money in Money Books
There's big money in money books. Whether the topic is
stocks, real estate or something else, this is one of
the hottest, most profitable bookselling niches going,
and, since many important titles have been recently
published, they are relatively easy to find. If you
aren't capitalizing on this yet, this is your
opportunity to start reaping bookselling dividends. Gold Edition #18 is available for
purchase now.
Special Fantasy & Science Fiction Edition
50/50 Issue #4
Now Available
Issue #4 of 50/50, BookThink’s new market report, is now available for purchase; this is the Special Fantasy & Science Fiction Edition issue. Published every other month, 50/50 lists and annotates in detail 50 books that typically sell for $50 and up online and - here's the best part - includes only those books that surface with some regularity at sales and other viable venues for purchasing inventory. In other words, this is information you can actually use and profit from often. Subscriptions are also available at the annual rate of $20. Payments may be made instantly or by
mail. For details, click here.