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The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#52, 19 September 2005
BookThink Update 26 September 2005>>>

Update Announcements

Adventures in Book Scouting
Part II: Take The Old Car
Catherine Petruccione's 2-part bookscouting series concludes today with an elaboration of rule #2: bring the old car. With the right attitude misadventure can quickly turn into true adventure. If you don't remember what rules #1 and #3 are, here's a refresher:

Special Boys and Girls Series Books Edition
50/50 Issue #5
Now Available
Sometimes it makes sense to buy series books,
sometimes not. Issue #5 of 50/50 profiles 25 of the
most profitable (and common) series titles for
booksellers, along with first edition guidelines and
detailed publication data.
Gold Edition #19
Big Money in Money Books
Part II: Timely Titles
There's big money in money books. Whether the topic is
stocks, real estate or something else, this is one of
the hottest, most profitable bookselling niches going,
and, since many important titles have been recently
published, they are relatively easy to find. If you
aren't capitalizing on this yet, this is your
opportunity to start reaping bookselling dividends. Part II of this BookThink series is available for
purchase now.
BookThink's Top 10 on eBay
August 2005
BookThink's Contributing Editor Pamela Palmer's "Top 10 on eBay" is back today with an interesting twist: several top sellers listed fiction in the non-fiction category and/or non-fiction in the fiction category. If nothing else, this suggests that most bidders for these titles were searching all of eBay, not browsing in specific categories. I'm not surprised. Are you?
How to Photograph Thick Books
Alternate Uses for Bookends
A few issues back I mentioned that I would be publishing more letters to the editor. Well, I received a lengthy one several weeks ago that I truly intended to publish, but before I knew it, the writer had expanded it into a how-to article on photographing thick books. And a good one at that. In any case, this also appears in today's BookThinker, and I'm happy to introduce you to eBay bookseller Chuck Haney.
Previous BookThinker Update -
BookThink Update 12 September 2005>>>
Update Announcements
An Interview with Marshall S. Thomas Author of Soldier of the Legion
Something I've noticed about BookThink interviews: often they seem to be most interesting when the author gets off the topic of his (or her) book. Though SF author Marshall S. Thomas does indeed discuss his first book, Soldier of the Legion, in today's interview with Science Fiction Editor Timothy Doyle, he also recounts the process of writing it, a project ultimately completed after some 20 years! As it so often does on the heels of persistence, success finally arrived, and Thomas's experience makes him eminently qualified to offer advice for would-be writers.
Gold Edition #19
Big Money in Money Books
Part II: Timely Titles
There's big money in money books. Whether the topic is
stocks, real estate or something else, this is one of
the hottest, most profitable bookselling niches going,
and, since many important titles have been recently
published, they are relatively easy to find. If you
aren't capitalizing on this yet, this is your
opportunity to start reaping bookselling dividends. Part II of this BookThink series is available for
purchase now.