BookThink is the #1 ranked resource provider for online and open shop book dealers,
book collectors, and serious readers. Resources include:
- The BookThinker, a free twice monthly newsletter covering a wide range of bookselling and collecting topics.
- BookThink's Gold Edition, a monthly newsletter supplying profit-generating insider information to booksellers.
- BookThink's Quarterly Market Report of Common, Profitable Books, a market report targeting high-profit, in-demand books that are likely to surface on scouting trips.
- A moderated book forum;
an extensive library of active and pertinent
book-related links;
book reviews; interviews with authors and other notables; and intensive tutorials on practical book repair, grading, terminology, buying for resale, selling books online and off, building a personal book collection, and more.
The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#54, 17 October 2005
BookThink Update 31 October 2005>>>

BookThink's Top 10 on eBay
BookThink's monthly "Top 10 on eBay" makes its third appearance in today's update. As months go by, patterns pointing to revenue-producing potential should begin to emerge - actually, they already have to some extent. Several authors have come up multiple times, many high-dollar items are signed (which opens the authentication can of worms), and of course, if it's fiction, edition state matters hugely and is best established via citations to standard bibliographic works.

50/50 Issue #6
Now Available
Item #1 in the list features the most popular (and common) cookbook ever published,
and yes, believe it or not, you can realize 50/50-level profits with this title again and again -
as long as you know which editions to look for. Now published
with 25 books each month, this issue lists and annotates in detail 25 books that typically sell
for $50 and up
online and - here's the best part - includes only those books that surface with some regularity
at sales and other viable venues for purchasing inventory. If you've been putting off subscribing, you're
also putting off profits. Get started today here.
BookThink Update 24 October 2005>>>
Update Announcements
Three weeks ago, anticipating that the Alibris/Amazon divorce would soon be finalized, I offered myself up as a guinea pig and registered as a new Pro Merchant seller at Amazon with the intention of reporting back on what I assumed would be a somewhat painful transition. Well, most of my assumptions about what I thought would happen were dead wrong. Details are here.
BookThink Review
A Rant and a Rave
A review copy of a new price guide to vintage magazines arrived in the
BookThink PO box recently. This book has been available for a number of
weeks, but I bet most of you didn't know it existed. Actually, if one of the
authors hadn't tipped me off about it several months ago, I might not have known
about it either. As a rule, price guides maintain abysmally low profiles and often depend
on word of mouth to generate sales - which are often slow in the best of circumstances.
If the guide is less than terrific (frequently the case), even word of mouth won't
help, and I'm sure stacks of these things end up remaindered - or tossed - right and left,
year in and year out. This time, however, my instincts are telling me something different:
This is a guide won't meet the same fate. Whether you sell magazines or not,
I strongly recommend that you read the review of
Antique Trader Vintage Magazines Price Guide in today's BookThinker. Bookselling gold awaits.
BookThink Book Repair
How to Reattach Detached Covers
Question: when was the last time you saw an article on book repair in the BookThinker? This question occurred to me a week or so ago when we were making some changes to the home page blurb, which, by the way, contained this pesky little phrase in the list of resources available on the BookThink website: "intensive tutorials on practical book repair." Well, it should've read "tutorial," not "tutorials," because I could only find one solitary book repair article in the entire BookThink archives, and even that appeared eons ago - in fact, in the very first issue, September 1, 2003! Shameful, isn't it? And we call ourselves a resource provider for booksellers. Obviously, it's high time to make amends, and at long last article numero dos appears today.
Previous BookThinker Update -
BookThink Update 10 October 2005>>>
Update Announcements
Flatsigned or Inscribed
The FlatSigned Side of the Story
FlatSigned or inscribed - which is better? More valuable? More readily authenticated? Most booksellers, I'd guess, have formed clear opinions about this, and, since so much is at stake, most likely they're strongly held. Forgeries have proliferated since eBay opened its doors in the late 1990s, and establishing signature authenticity has become an especially demanding, sometimes impossible task for booksellers. Depending on how effectively we accomplish it, values can soar or plunge. Tim Miller of FlatSigned makes an appearance in today's BookThinker to argue in favor of FlatSigned books.
Gold Edition #20
Big Money in Money Books
Part III: Real Estate Investment Books
There's big money in money books. Whether the topic is
stocks, real estate or something else, this is one of
the hottest, most profitable bookselling niches going,
and, since many important titles have been recently
published, they are relatively easy to find. If you
aren't capitalizing on this yet, this is your
opportunity to start reaping bookselling dividends. Part III of this BookThink series, Real Estate Investment Books,
is available for
purchase now.
Special Boys and Girls Series Books Edition
50/50 Issue #5
Now Available
Sometimes it makes sense to buy series books,
sometimes not. Issue #5 of 50/50 profiles 25 of the
most profitable (and common) series titles for
booksellers, along with first edition guidelines and
detailed publication data.