If you haven't clicked into our newsletters page recently, take a look. Things are much better organized, easier to find, etc., and you'll also see a premium newsletter FAQ. The FAQ will answer (hopefully) every question you could ever think to ask about our publications and then some. For those new to BookThink who aren't sure about f orking over $20 for a subscription, note that we offer a money-back guarantee. Subscribe to the Gold Edition or 50/50, examine the first issue, and if you think it's bilge water, no problem. Your money will be refunded in full - no questions asked. Contributing Editor Pamela Palmer returns today with her fourth BookThink's "Top 10 on eBay." Some familiar things appear - Harry Potter, Philip Pullman, P.G. Wodehouse, Alcoholics Anonymous, etc. - along with some unfamiliar, and there are fully 12 titles that were published after 1950. What does this tell you? Also, fiction seems to be attracting the biggest spenders, and most of the money is still going into UK bookseller's pockets. Finally, issue #7 of 50/50 is now available for purchase. The focus is on individual issues of relatively common magazines published after 1960 - and all will bring home the necessary $50 or more. If you think magazines that meet these demanding criteria are few and far between, think again. I've listed 75 in this issue alone, and hundreds more are standing by for another time. Start making money today. New subscriptions will begin with issue #7.
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