BookThink is the #1 ranked resource provider for online and open shop book dealers,
book collectors, and serious readers. Resources include:
- The BookThinker, a free twice monthly newsletter covering a wide range of bookselling and collecting topics.
- BookThink's Gold Edition, a monthly newsletter supplying profit-generating insider information to booksellers.
- BookThink's Quarterly Market Report of Common, Profitable Books, a market report targeting high-profit, in-demand books that are likely to surface on scouting trips.
- A moderated book forum;
an extensive library of active and pertinent
book-related links;
book reviews; interviews with authors and other notables; and intensive tutorials on practical book repair, grading, terminology, buying for resale, selling books online and off, building a personal book collection, and more.
The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#61, 30 January 2006
BookThink Update 6 February 2006>>>

Collecting and Selling Paperback Fiction
Romance 101
Part I
Teresa Kopec, BookThink's new paperback fiction columnist, also begins a two-part primer on romance novels and will conclude next month with some money-making tips for this genre, some of which will include using the familiar book-lots approach.
BookThink's Top 10 on eBay December 2005
Another Top 10 on eBay starts things off this week, and if you haven't been seeing patterns in these reports yet, you haven't been paying attention. Author J.K. Rowling surfaces once again, as does Philip Pullman, and there's no shortage of AA big books.
Selling Textbooks
A BookThink Primer
The Bread and Bane of Bookselling
At BookThink we devote a lot of time and effort to discussing the "what" of bookselling - namely, what books to sell. More than anything else, your inventory is what will make you or break you as a bookseller. However, there's also a "how" that matters too, and in some circumstances it matters so much that it can also make or break you. Consider textbooks. I think most of us recognize only too well that there are selling problems peculiar to textbooks that don't plague other kinds of books. Perhaps these problems, all of which are endlessly (and sometimes heatedly) discussed on book forums, dissuade you from selling them yourself. If so, it's a shame because many resalable textbooks are both relatively easy to find and potentially very profitable. Which brings me to Teresa Kopec. Teresa, a regular textbook seller herself, has put together a set of guidelines that, if followed, would head off most if not all of the problems that typically arise. We've titled this "A Primer for Textbooks," and I think you'll agree that it's a keeper.
BookThink Consulting - Phase I
BookThink's eBay Critique
NEW! Are your eBay auction presentations lacking that certain something? Are you
frustrated with listing high quality items again and again and not getting top prices for
them? If so, BookThink's new consulting service, eBay Critique, may be the answer.
eBay Critique consists of two elements - one, a detailed analysis of your existing
eBay auctions identifying specific problem areas; and two, suggestions for improvements.
Primary areas of concern include image quality, presentation layout and textual content.
Read our
FAQ for more details and get started today.
50/50 Issue #9
Now Available
Issue #9 of 50/50 is now available for purchase; it's a special issue on children's books. Subscribe today
Previous BookThinker Update -
BookThink Update 23 January 2006>>>
Buying and Selling Children's Books
The Malt Shop Era
BookThink's Children's Books Editor Guusje Moore stops by today to explore the world of Malt Shop books. If you don't know what these are, you're in for a treat - and some sweet profits as well. There's nothing like nostalgia to pry open purses and wallets.