Well. The BookThink mailbox was, to say the least, somewhat busier than usual this week, but I suspected it would be. If you weren't one of those who responded with a pat on the back for a job well done, there's an article in this issue that, for what it's worth, elaborates on what I said. Or meant. Or something. Read it if you have a few minutes to burn; otherwise, go straight to Steve Weber's article. Far more profitable, I think. Amazon Marketplace is no longer a repository for ISBN-era books only. Booksellers now have the ability to add non-ISBN books to Amazon's catalog, and if you haven't already noticed, huge numbers of these books have indeed been added. If it sounds like work creating new catalog listings, okay, it can be, but the payoff can be big as well, and there are some tools that can speed the process considerably. Steve Weber explains all in today's BookThinker. Finally, a shameless plea - one I haven't expressed recently. Look, guys, BookThinker readers LOVE our Bookseller's Profiles - we track these things with log analyses, so we know. Booksellers who have done them have benefited from them as well, sometimes with increased sales via exposure to their inventories. So - why do I have to drag you, kicking and screaming, into doing them? I assure you, it won't stunt your growth, promote the growth of warts, or whatever. It's painless. It's free, you can show off, make more money - and you really do need to write me at editor@bookthink.com for a template. NOW!
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