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Update Announcements

by Craig Stark

#80, 30 October 2006

Reigning Queen of Flashpoints, BookThink's Children's Books Editor Guusje Moore, is back today with another basketful of live ones. Seems she attended a children's books FOL sale recently, found nothing of interest in her specialty, and began poking around for something to salvage the day with. Turns out there were several hundred dollars worth of teacher's books that accomplished just that for her. There's some great advice on what to look for in her resulting article.

Since Guusje didn't write about children's books, I will - or did. Sort of. In my never-ending quest to locate the best and brightest reference books for booksellers, I've found one that will be of special interest to children's books collectors and booksellers - Linda and Stan Zielinski's Children's Picturebook Price Guide. What initially piqued my interest about this book was that it contained issue points for Dr. Seuss first editions. However, flashpoints abound as well, and for once they don't have to be coaxed out of pages and pages of dull price listings; they're actually presented in ready-to-use lists. Find out why this book impressed me, and, if you have $15 or $20 to spare, buy it.

Issue #18 of 50/50 will be delivered shortly. The topic is dogs (next month it's cats) - and we just might do birds and fish too! Subscribe or purchase back issues here, and you won't miss anything.

Issue #32 of the Gold Edition was delivered last week. If you didn't receive it, write me at editor@bookthink.com ASAP. Subscribe or purchase back issues here.

And this brings me to something I neglected to announce several months ago. All three BookThink newsletters (The BookThinker, The Gold Edition, and 50/50) now contain links for changing the email address your newsletters are delivered to. These links are located at the very bottom of each newsletter or click this link.

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