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The BookThinker Newsletter
ISSN 1547-9501
#86, 15 January 2007
BookThink Update 22 January 2007>>>

Update Announcements

From Here to Obscurity
A Bookseller's Guide to Dorothy Lyons
No doubt many of us could list a number of important authors and illustrators or horse books to look for, but my guess is that author Dorothy Lyons wouldn't be cited often among them. Hard to say why. Lyons produced 12 books in her career, all published in significant numbers by a major publisher, all but one illustrated by a collectible artist, and intensely interested fans still pay bookseller friendly prices for every one of them. Whatever the explanation, today's BookThinker showers her with some long overdue publicity. This is one author that booksellers should take special note of.
Amazon Marketplace: 2006 in Review
Amazon Grows Stronger, but a Bigger Giant Looms
Today, Steve Weber and I are going to take a hard look at what happened in 2006 to what for many booksellers are the two major bookselling venues - Amazon Marketplace and eBay. There were significant changes at both, and, unless we stay at least one step of ahead of them with our own growth, not one of them will put more money in our pockets; to the contrary. Here is Steve's perspective on Amazon.
50/50 Issue #19
Dogs, Dogs and More Dogs
Now Available
Issue #19 of 50/50 is now available for purchase; its focus is "Dogs Dogs and More Dogs." Subscribe today
Previous BookThinker update-
BookThink Update 8 January 2007>>>
Update Announcements
BookThink's Top 10 on eBay
November 2006
More fishy stuff in BookThink's Top 10 on eBay this month - another carp book, for one thing, and also a fishy auction. You may recall the firestorm of controversy that erupted in late November shortly before the release date of O.J. Simpson's If I Did It. Several copies mysteriously surfaced - where else? - on eBay, and one auction closed at $8,300. After publisher HarperCollins agreed to halt distribution and destroy any existing copies, bidding on another copy reached $1,000,000, at which point eBay removed the auctions. How many copies survived? Nobody knows, but look for them to surface in the coming years and attract significant interest.
BookThink's Bookseller Profiles Aslan Books
Also today - another Bookseller Profile. Jeffrey and Jeanine Dyer of Aslan Books tell how they have built an Amazon business that allows Jeanine to both work full-time and care for three children.