BookThink is the #1 ranked resource provider for online and open shop book dealers,
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- The BookThinker, a free twice monthly newsletter covering a wide range of bookselling and collecting topics.
- BookThink's Gold Edition, a monthly newsletter supplying profit-generating insider information to booksellers.
- BookThink's Quarterly Market Report of Common, Profitable Books, a market report targeting high-profit, in-demand books that are likely to surface on scouting trips.
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The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#97, 18 June 2007
BookThink Update 25 June 2007>>>

Update Announcements

Richard Powell Redux
An Interview with Dorothy Powell Quigley
Author Richard P. Powell died on December 8, 1999. There was no national day of mourning - on the contrary, most newspapers failed to announce his death in their obituaries. And yet here was a writer who left behind a substantial body of work, produced primarily in the 1940s to 1960s, some of it the fodder of bestseller lists and movies. What's interesting about Powell is that, after decades of reader neglect, he's making a comeback on the heels of the considerable efforts of his daughter, Dorothy Powell Quigley, to republish his better books and, in some cases, seek movie deals. Read Catherine Petruccione's interview with Dorothy here.

Special Subscription Package
BookThink's Gold Edition
Plus BookThink's Quarterly Market Report of Common, Profitable Books
Now available - Special Subscription Package includes a year of Gold Edition plus a year of Quarterly Market Report .... This can be used to start a new subscription or to extend current subscription(s). Click
Building a Website for Successful Bookselling
Part II: On the Internet At Least, Content Is Still King
If you already have (or are contemplating launching) your own bookselling website, how serious are you about making it work? Many are built, but it seems that few of them thrive - and often failure has little or nothing to do with inventory quality. In any case, if you are serious, it's time to roll up your sleeves, read Kent Johnson's latest installment in his "Building a Website for Successful Bookselling" series, and - you knew this was coming - get to work!
Writing a Used Bookstore Business Plan Part III: Sample Business Plan (Sections 4-6)
Jill Hendrix is back today as well with Part III of "Writing a Used Bookstore Business Plan." A note to those of you who have no intention of opening an open shop bookstore: Read Jill's articles anyway. There's much advice here for booksellers in general, and her suggestions may very well trigger some productive thinking on how to improve your businesses.
BookThink's Quarterly Market Report of Common, Profitable Books
Issue #1
Issue #1 of BookThink's Quarterly Market Report of Common, Profitable Books is now available for
Purchase or subscribe now.
Previous BookThinker update-
BookThink Update 11 June 2007>>>
Update Announcements
A Guide to Selling Anthologies Part I: The Best of Tomes, the Worst of Tomes
Michele Behan, BookThink's new Ephemera Editor, contributes Part I of two-part article on selling anthologies. Today's focus is on 19th century collected authors and associated collectible topics. If you know your flashpoints and include them in auction titles and descriptions, these otherwise low-dollar books can soar to significant final values.