BookThink is the #1 ranked resource provider for online and open shop book dealers,
book collectors, and serious readers. Resources include:
- The BookThinker, a free twice monthly newsletter covering a wide range of bookselling and collecting topics.
- BookThink's Gold Edition, a monthly newsletter supplying profit-generating insider information to booksellers.
- BookThink's Quarterly Market Report of Common, Profitable Books, a market report targeting high-profit, in-demand books that are likely to surface on scouting trips.
- Moderated book forums;
an extensive library of active and pertinent
book-related links;
book reviews; interviews with authors and other notables; and intensive tutorials on practical book repair, grading, terminology, buying for resale, selling books online and off, building a personal book collection, and more.
The BookThinker Newsletter ISSN 1547-9501
#101, 13 August 2007
BookThink Update 20 August 2007>>>

Update Announcements

The Paper Chase
for Literary Ephemera
Part I: Bookplates
BookThink's Ephemera Editor Michele Behan stops by today to discuss bookplates. If you don't know why some bookplates can be more valuable than the books they're mounted in or, for that matter, how to remove one, you won't want to miss her article.

BookThink's Top 10 on eBay
May 2007
Are the rich different? When it comes to eBay, they are. Many of the high-end books that hang out in the Antiquarian & Collectible category are featured in lavish auctions showcasing them in dozens of photographs. Classic works of the 15th or 16th century are more typical than limited editions by Stephen King. This month, Top 10 on eBay expands to cover the top 5 in the Antiquarian & Collectible category.


BookThink's Quarterly Market Report of Common, Profitable Books
Issue #2
Issue #2 of BookThink's Quarterly Market Report of Common, Profitable Books is now available for
Purchase or subscribe now.
Sharing An Adventurous Life
The Books of Freya Stark
Media Editor Catherine Petruccione shares one of her happy discoveries with us today - British travel writer Freya Stark. Stark was a remarkably fearless woman who traveled, often alone, to many lands that some of us wouldn't set foot in, let alone visit. The books that followed from her travels are both many and wonderful - and collectible too.
Special Subscription Package
BookThink's Gold Edition
Plus BookThink's Quarterly Market Report of Common, Profitable Books
Now available - Special Subscription Package includes a year of Gold Edition plus a year of Quarterly Market Report .... This can be used to start a new subscription or to extend current subscription(s). Click
Previous BookThinker update-
BookThink Update 6 August 2007>>>
Update Announcements
The Empirical Bookman
Prelude to Apprenticeship
A Walk in the Rubble
In the coming months you'll have the pleasure of getting to know Jaime Frontero, a living, breathing bookman who has been in the business for 56 years. He'll bring some serious depth to our understanding of bookselling, taking us off the much beaten, surfacy path of endless book buying and selling (and almost never standing back to see the bigger picture) - oh, and along the way he'll offer what will essentially add up to an online apprenticeship, something that some of us wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to experience. Maybe we should be charging for this! In any case, his first article, "Prelude to Apprenticeship: A Walk in the Rubble," appears today.
Selling on Amazon
A Survival Guide
Also with us today is Contributing Editor Steve Weber, who has, in my opinion, produced one of the most useful articles he's ever done for us. If you're an Amazon seller, this is information that you should print out immediately and keep no more than an arm's length away. Why? Because Steve has compiled a comprehensive selling guide that will help Marketplace sellers solve just about any problem that comes their way. Or at least give them the right tools to tackle it, including important Amazon email addresses, phone numbers, etc., that otherwise aren't posted publicly.
