Things used to be simpler at Amazon. You typed in an ISBN, a few condition notes, a price, and you were done. Everything changed, however, when sellers were given the opportunity to create product pages. This opened the door to pre-ISBN era books - a good thing - but also created a situation fraught with needless complexities. Now, more often than not, pre-ISBN products have multiple discrete catalog pages presenting copies of either the same book or books with slight, mostly inconsequential differences. When faced with this, which catalog page do you list your book on? BookThink's Steve Weber answers this question and other difficult listing questions in today's first article, "How to List and Sell Your Oddball Books on Amazon." Next, BookThink's Associate Editor Pamela Palmer returns with BookThink's June 2007 Top 10 on eBay. Her assessment: "The June Top 10 revealed both good and bad news. On the positive side, there were more international auctions with sellers from Poland, Canada, Australia, and Germany. NARUs were the negatives. They struck 5 of the top fiction and non-fiction winners, including the top sale in each category. Was it summer "fun" or the start of a trend?" A reminder - those of you who would like to receive item numbers of the books featured in Top 10 must subscribe to our free report, "BookThink's Top 10 on eBay Item Numbers." This is delivered shortly after the Top 10 article appears in the BookThinker. To subscribe, email me, Craig Stark, at Another reminder - the email version of the BookThinker includes content that is not available on the website. You must be a subscriber to access it. Subscriptions are free and may be initiated here.
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