How many NARUs can fit on the fiction and non-fiction top 10 lists? The answer in July was 25% with the non-fiction category leading by one. This month, we'll take a closer look at the related characteristics. First, one NARU struck twice hitting both the fiction and non-fiction categories. That NARU's eBay name included the letter sequence "seco" as did another NARU. Coincidence? The books won by "...seco..." names were all BINs, but the other two NARUs occurred in auctions with 10 bids each. Though none of this is predictive, it serves as a preliminary look at high value auctions that fail to complete due to fraudulent bids. The Antiquarian & Collectible top 5 proved to be international in July. A Japanese seller led the pack with a $67,860 sale of a German book. An Italian seller came in at #2, followed by one seller from the UK and two from the US. Book age was equally diverse, including c1200, 1493, 1561, 1928, and 1939.
#1 | $6,065.70 | Terry Pratchett Discworld Colour of Magic UK 1983 1/1 |
#2 | $4,000.00 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowlin... |
#3 | $2,247.22 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows SIGNED 1st Edition |
#4 | $2,125.00 | A Time to Kill by John Grisham (1989) |
#5* | $2,000.00 | Faux Elvis (the book) #1 |
#6 | $1,850.00 | Heart Shaped Box Joe Hill Signed Lettered 1 of only 15! |
#7 | $1,650.00 | Cien Anos De Soledad - First Edition - 1967 - Marquez |
#8 | $1,530.00 | SIGNED Stephen King The Stand with Case No. 58 LIMITED |
#9* | $1,200.00 | Stephen King, signed, Pet Sematary, hc/dj, 1st |
#10 | $1,180.00 | Tortilla Flat, John Steinbeck, First Ed. Dust Jacket |
*Non-registered buyer so sale not completed and final value not validated.
The Colour of Magic
Terry Pratchett
Signed "if the buyer wants" is a new possibility offered by the UK seller with this 1 of 506 true 1st editions in the original dj. The offer led to a question, "Are you saying that you are able to get the book signed by terry pratchett?" "Yes," replied the seller, "can do but obviously that would be the present signature not how it would have looked when the book was released..." After 39 bids, it sold for $6,065.70.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
J.K. Rowling
Hot off the press, it sold as a best offer by a novice US seller.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
J.K. Rowling
With a Rowling-signed bookplate, this 1st edition garnered 31 bids to fetch $2,247.22 for a Canadian charity.
A Time to Kill
John Grisham
The signed 1st printing, 1st edition was listed in very good condition.
Faux Elvis
Pat Cook
A NARU (not a registered user) spoiled this auction with a BIN of the signed #1 copy.
Heart Shaped Box
Joe Hill
Described as "perfect, untouched, MINT ...," the signed and lettered (F) 1-of-15 copies attracted 23 bids.
Cien Anos De Soledad
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Described as a Spanish 1st edition in a turtle shell cover, the book was sold to a buyer who had no feedback. Nearly 3 months later, there is still no feedback for the buyer.
The Stand
Stephen King
The mint boxed 1st edition was signed by King and described as "... so nice it is almost scary!!!!!" Did the scary part conjure up the 13 bids for the US seller?
Pet Sematary
Stephen King
Another NARU ended this auction with a BIN.
Tortilla Flat
John Steinbeck
11 bids took this 1st edition, 2nd printing with dust jacket to #10. Condition was described as very good; dj condition was fair.
>>>>>Click here for page two - Top Non-Fiction Books>>>>>>
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Contact the editor, Craig Stark
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