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FranceJar Paris: With Canvas Bag by Rosenthal, Joel Price (Euros): 800 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: très bon état (Very Good) Jewels of Jar, The [Hardcover] by Rosenthal, Joel Price (Euros): 800 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: très bon état (Very Good) La statuaire fang gabon [Reliure inconnue] by Perrois (The statuary fang Gabon [Unknown binding] Price (Euros): 700 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: Indifférent (Any) Rene boivin joaillier Rene boivin jeweller Price (Euros): 600 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: bon état (Good) Sterle by Jutheau Viviane Price (Euros): 500 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: bon état (Good) Coreennes... Price (Euros): 500 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: Indifférent (Any) Grand dictionnaire Ricci de la langue chinoise (coffret de 7 volumes) [Broché... (Large Ricci dictionary of the Chinese language ) Price (Euros): 500 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: bon état (Good) Album dictionnaire des auteurs de la pléiade [Reliure inconnue] by... (Album dictionary of the authors of the pleiad [unknown Binding]) Price (Euros): 450 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: très bon état (Very Good) Introduction to the Coinage of Parthia by Sellwood, David Price (Euros): 400 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: Indifférent (Any) Arts-décoratifs à bord des paquebots français, 1880-1960 by Vian, Louis-René (Art-decorative on 1880-1960, French steamer board) Price (Euros): 400 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: bon état (Good) Robotics Cybernetics and the Construction of Movement by Bernstein, Nicholas A. Price (Euros): 350 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: état correct (Acceptable) Manuscrit Vaudry de Saizenay : Tablature de luth et de théorbe de divers... (Manuscript Vaudry de Saizenay: Fingering chart of lute and théorbe the various ones) Price (Euros): 300 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: état correct (Acceptable) 120 chateaux et manoirs en cotentin by J.Barbaroux (120 castles and manors in cotentin) Price (Euros): 300 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: Indifférent (Any) Traité mat.med.homéopathie by Duprat (Treaty mat.med.homeopathy ) Price (Euros): 300 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: Indifférent (Any) Le cheval belge. sa caractéristique et les conditions de son élévage. (The Belgian horse. its characteristic and conditions of sound élévage) Price (Euros): 300 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: Indifférent (Any) Coordinate and Regulation of Movements [Hardcover] by Bernstein, N Price (Euros): 300 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: Indifférent (Any) La porcelaine des Compagnies des Indes à décor occidental [Unknown Binding] by (Porcelain of the Companies of the Indies with Western decoration ) Price (Euros): 250 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: bon état (Good) Balenciaga [Hardcover] by Jouve, Marie-Anderee Price (Euros): 250 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: bon état (Good) Airports by Fischli, Peter; Weiss, David Price (Euros): 235 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: très bon état (Very Good) Gio Ponti by Frateili, Enzo; Vigano, Vittoriano; La Pietra, Ugo Price (Euros): 200 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: bon état (Good) Formes et couleurs: Les clés du succès en céramique dentaire by Ubassy, Gérald (Forms and colors: Keys to success out of dental ceramics) Price (Euros): 200 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: état neuf (Like New) La Bible de Jérusalem (1 CD-Rom) : Version 5 - PC-Mac by (The Bible of Jerusalem) Price (Euros): 200 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: très bon état (Very Good) Eine Fabrik in Melsungen =: A factory in Melsungen by Nageli, Walter Price (Euros): 200 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: Indifférent (Any) Insectes (Insects) Price (Euros): 200 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: très bon état (Very Good) Femmes secrètes by Newton (Secret women) Price (Euros): 200 1 buyer waiting Minimum acceptable condition: Indifférent (Any)
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