This is a busy time of year for most of us, so I'll keep this short today. First up is Ephemera Editor Michele Behan, who announces two BookThink holiday contests. You'll have to read her article to find out what they are, but let me take this opportunity to express my appreciation for her bravery in posting her photo! Second up is Links Editor Judy Lanskey, who took out time from her now very busy bookselling schedule to write an article on how she turned things around in one weekend. That's right - one weekend. Finally, you may recall an intriguing interview Media Editor Catherine Petruccione did with The Ballad of the Whiskey Robber author Julian Rubinstein. Well, she's back with an interesting update, and I do recommend you watch the YouTube video. Ok, that's it. Now get back to packaging all those books you're selling. Oh - and don't forget BookThink's ongoing 25%-off sale of all our e-publications. Deadline is December 31, and make your purchases here.
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