How time flies when you're between parts on a series of articles! I'm ashamed to say that Part I of my "Storage Solutions for Booksellers" was published early last year, and here I'm just getting to Part II. If you missed Part I or simply forgot everything, here it is. Meanwhile, in Part II I propose a woodworking technique that should enable even a 10-thumbed bookseller to construct low-cost, high quality shelving for inventory storage quickly. Also today - Pamela Palmer's Top 10 on eBay for November 2006. "Fiction sales focused on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows with a smattering of Faulkner, Puzo, Koontz, and King making up the remainder. Non-fiction, though, was diverse. An Easton Long Road to Freedom topped the list which included the Beatles and Chagall among others. The most interesting item(s) came in last. Seems the same copy of Atlas Shrugged managed to sell two days in a row. Both were sold by the same US seller as BINs with what appears to be the same photograph. And, of course, classifying Atlas Shrugged as non-fiction only adds to the interest." Finally, a reminder for those of you who read the web version of the BookThinker - you're missing out on some content that could prove profitable for you. Only subscribers to the email version can access this, so why not subscribe today? It's free!
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