The Complete Shiba InuLet me tell you, the Shiba Inu is one strange dog. Originally bred in Japan, it resembles a malamute in form, and it features, like the malamute, a so-called double coat - that is, a conventional outer coat over a soft, dense undercoat that's "blown" twice a year. This blowing process happens fairly quickly, so one will necessarily encounter large clumps of fur everywhere for a few days - fun. And surprising if you weren't expecting it. Another surprise - the Shiba scream. It emits one, you see, a high-pitched, sometimes frightening expression of sheer joy or intense unhappiness. Interested in living with that? Apparently this breed is finicky too, a plus for housetraining but perhaps a minus on a rainy day, when it'll avoid puddles like the plague. In any case, this is one of those breeds that your local vet is unlikely to be overly informed about; and thus, (flashpoint alert) books that genuinely illuminate the Shiba's mysteries or detail breeding techniques are often sought after. Such is the case of The Complete Shiba Inu - to the tune of $70, $80 or more. There's another reason for featuring this book as well, but you'll have to read this month's Gold Edition to find out what it is. You'll see 100 profit-producing books like this every 3 months in BookThink's Quarterly Market Report of Common, Profitable Books, each one presented in a clear format with bibliographic essentials and links to photos. Here is the actual entry for The Complete Shiba Inu, #31 in QMR, issue #5 (soon to be published):
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