When you buy inventory, you don't always get what you expect, and sometimes what you get is significantly inferior to what you expected. Sorry to say, this can even happen when I buy books in person. What looked like a good book in the up-tempo context of a sale can later, on closer inspection, reveal a flaw that was overlooked. If the book was purchased online, no problem. You can simply return it. However, this typically isn't possible if you purchased it at, say, an estate sale. What then? Today's feature article presents a technique for salvaging a book that seemingly had a fatal flaw. Also today - a QMR book of the month that could help explain why many booksellers are leaving the business. Finally, two reminders: Current BookThink specials. And don't forget that Paul R. Bienvenue and Robert E. Schmidt's The Book Collector's Guide to L. Frank Baum and Oz is available on BookThink for the lowest price online. Buy it here. < to previous article to next article >
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