<<< Continued from previous page Those of you who already have considerable experience with signed hypermoderns and have established sources know that, with few exceptions, newly released, signed copies can be had for cover price - full retail, that is - usually in the $20 to $30 range. This leaves ample room for profit, but only if you preserve all copies in F/F condition. This is a more demanding task than it used to be; if you take pains to anyway, your books will rise to the top of the desirability heap fairly quickly, and you can command a premium, especially if you've built a trusted online presence - and this presence, in turn, should include indefinitely guaranteeing the authenticity of all signatures and including a printed, signed guarantee along with your contact information and any associated signing ephemera with the books. There are several approaches to safekeeping your hypermoderns, but most essentially they should be stored in an environment with minimal or no light, a consistent humidity of about 50% and a temperature of about 70 degrees. I have one of those radio-controlled Oregon Scientific devices on a shelf above my desk that displays, in addition to the time, temperature and relative humidity. Pretty cheap, and this really helps you stay on top of things. Also, if there is any possibility of shelf wear, do whatever is necessary to eliminate it. I immediately insert all dust jackets in protective sleeves and store the books in three-sided (open-ended, for breathing) bubble wrap bags with cardboard inserts. And exceptional care, of course, should be exercised in shipping them. If you're uncertain how to source signed hypermoderns and/or simply don't know what to buy or leave alone, issues #40, #41 and #42 of the Gold Edition address this and additional factors associated with specializing in this niche. If you're uncertain how to build a trusted online presence, issues #46 and #47 of the Gold Edition will get you started. These can be purchased here. A final caution: This is not a niche for the faint of heart - and it's best to proceed slowly, as you learn - but in my opinion it offers long-term profitability for those who are willing to do their homework, take special care of their inventories, and commit to building trust in the online marketplace. Comments and questions may be sent to editor@bookthink.com
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