A few comments first on the BookThink community - now comprised of our forums, Facebook and Twitter. BookThink's forums remain one of the best online resources for booksellers not only because of our many knowledgeable contributors but also because the conversation is almost entirely focused on what's most important to us - our success in the book trade. Our experienced moderators, who help maintain this focus, also ensure a safe landing place for inexperienced booksellers, who may have basic questions that might not be received well elsewhere. Why not join today? Registration takes only a few moments. If you're more comfortable with the Facebook format, a similar resource is being grown by bookseller and BookThink's new Facebook Editor, Kristian Strom. Again, the focus is almost entirely on bookselling, nd this is our only community where users may both read and respond to BookThink's NewsBlog feeds, ably produced by News Editor Karin Bergsagel. If Twitter is your thing, Consulting Editor Kara McLaughlin Mestre provides additional resources for booksellers via this medium. And if you're very serious about bookselling, why not register for all three? a BookThink's Top 10 on eBay is back today. Charity auctions did well in June 2010, making both the top fiction and top nonfiction lists. In the fiction category, a signed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone brought in $5,000 for the Chicago Girl Scouts, while another Harry Potter added $1,136 to benefit the same group. In the non-fiction top 10, Flights Over Ancient Cities of Iran came in at #6, earning $1,400 for Books for America. Finally, a few reminders. BookThink's new Guide to Online Bookselling was launched last week, and subscriptions may now be purchased here. Click here for more information.
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